
Consultancy Services

Fire safety consultancy service is available for corporate fire risks assessment and management with recommended mitigation measures as follows:-

1.       Performance-based mass evacuation simulation with analysis and verification of computer modelling with actual fire drill.

2.       Conducts fire risk assessment, fire audit, evaluation and analysis of fire risk and fire hazard with recommendations for mitigation. This covers compliance and validation against Building Regulation requirements in terms of life safety code, active and passive fire               protection concept and systems.

3.       Provide consultancy service on Building regulations, fire safety engineering concept, requirements, Standards and Codes and Fire regulation requirements.

4.       Provide Business Continuity and Sustainability Strategy and management

5       Provides consultancy and training in Fire Safety concepts, design and approach.

6       Provide Project management for Active and Passive Fire protection systems during construction.

7       Provides advice on latest and up-dated fire prevention concept and approach.

8       Provides advice on risk assessment, fire risk and hazard mitigation, fire risk and hazard management.

9       Provides advice in fire fighting equipment, system specification in accordance to National, Regional or International Standards.

10     Provides advice in installation and testing procedure of fire fighting equipment and systems.

11     Provides advice in preventive maintenance of firefighting equipment and systems

12     Provides in-house fire safety training, risk assessment competency training, fire risks management training, fire protection systems maintenance training.

13     Develops mass evacuation protocol and guideline

14     Provides advice in emergency response planning and emergency response management

15     Develops emergency response planning and emergency response management procedure, conduct desk top drills, and actual fire drills

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