
Hydro-based Fire Protection Systems

Wet riser system

Wet risers are a form of internal hydrant for the firemen to use and are always charged with water. They are only required for buildings where the topmost floor is higher than 30 metres above the fire appliance access...

Hosereel system

Hose reel system is intended for the occupant to use during the early stages of a fire and comprises hose reel pumps, fire water storage tank, hose reels, pipe work and valves. Design Standards The requirement for hose...

Hydrant system

Fire hydrant installation consists of a system of pipework connected directly to the water supply mains to provide water to each and every hydrant outlet and is intended to provide water for the firefighters to fight a...

Dry riser system

Dry riser are a form of internal hydrant for the firemen to use and area only required for buildings where the topmost (occupied) floor is higher than 18 metres and less than 30 metres above the fire appliance access...

Water Mist System

Water mist system is another form of fire extinguishing system using fine water droplet to effective suppress and extinguished a fire. It is originally used in the Maritime application on board ships and liners before...

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